Maritz catalog 1970's

I found a “Book of Awards ” catalog in my basement last night that this illustration was printed in. I was an employee at Maritz Motivation Company from 1969 until 1980. Working at Maritz was a great boost to my career. A catalog was printed every year and sent to employees of companies that used Maritz to motivate them to sell more things and by selling more stuff could choose stuff from a catalog of stuff. This illustration was used as a two page divider for a section of leisure merchandize ( stuff). I used felt markers on tracing paper to paint the right panel and pen and ink and ink wash for the left panel. This size of the marker illustration was about 16″ wide by 20″ high. During the early 1970’s I used this marker technique to create many of my illustrations. This was one of my first of many fishing illustrations created during my career. Below is a sample page from this catalog. All of this stuff Ā on this page was the latest technology in the early 1970’s.

Page from Maritz catalog,early 1970"s

  1. Glenn Myers says:

    Wow, have things changed. I still have a Coleman metal clad cooler (1974) from a Communico in house “attaboy” promotion. I do remember seeing that style of yours on the shelves of the storage area that we were part of. You were part of the “Mecca for artists”, a world of difference away from the cubicle warriors of Communico led by Dave Borella, one prince of a guy. We talked Friday night of our career paths and I sure appreciated the time I spent there at Communico on the Maritz campus , a part of a great group of folks!

  2. Mary Ann Grande says:

    All this “stuff” bring back memories. Great blog!

  3. johndyess says:

    Glenn, It was a great place to create,not to work, it was so much fun I could never call it work. I was there from 1969 until 1980 and then it was the right time to start my own business.I went on my own with about $7000 and a lot of hope and confidence. It was good talking with you during our pursuit of trivia.

  4. johndyess says:

    Mary Ann, I wonder what dump site all that stuff went to. Thanks for following my blog.

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